Ann’s Grove farmers deemed IDPADA-G’s service necessary

Residents in the East Coast village of Ann’s Grove received vital information from government agencies that deal specifically with crop production and animal raring. This is the dominating trade in the community which has done pretty well for itself in this regard. When the International Decade for People of African Descent Assembly Guyana took their services to the location farmers were concerned mainly about diseases and other such issues affecting their animals and plants. The farmers wanted to know how they could receive material to increase and grow their businesses since they noted that their community was flooded with what they produce and farmers were seeking additional markets for their goods. Some 260 persons attended the Ann’s Grover outreach and were able to speak with representatives from the agricultural sector in particular and other related agencies. Many food vendors also got assistance on how they can improve their businesses financially, in adhering to health regulations, registration among other benefits.The event was held on November 10, 2018.
